Someone once said the eyes are a window. Celia’s are beautiful, too! No props needed.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Thanks for coming by my booth today! I’ve had so many great clients this past year that I am WAY behind on the blog. Please check back for updates, and check out this link- Client Area.  The link will open a new window and you’ll be able to browse through lots of fantastic photos until I catch up here. 🙂
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So the day was finally here- a coming together of celebration and blessing, a culmination all the careful planning by mom Abby and Magnolia Events, great food and decor from Bold American and A Divine Event, entertainment and dancing from Vibe!
Guests were greeted at the entrance to Mason Murer Fine Art, and then made their way to the meticulously decorated party space at the gallery. While the adults enjoyed cocktails and delicious bites the kids rocked out with Jamal.
Everyone gathered round for an original song from the dynamic duo of O and Z, and then danced until midnight.
What a great weekend for the girls! Mazel tov!
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It’s been a very busy spring for the Mitzvahman! Check back here to see all of the great events we shot!
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For my personal work, I’m a little old school- I shoot on film and make back and white prints in my darkroom.  Here are some recent prints….

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